Exhibits Tell the Story
The exhibits in the Appanoose County Historical & Coal Mining Museum plan an important part in keeping our history alive and are an integral part in residents taking ownership of Appanoose County as their 'home', even if they have moved away.
You can look at our old pictures of the historic Centerville Square and see the how much it has stayed the same, even though it has changed over the years. You can look at the dentists chair, and remember yourself in it. You can look at the farming tools, and remember your grandfather using them.
You can walk in the lobby of the museum and remember coming there to buy stamps at the counter. You can see an old camera just like the one your dad used to have.
Nostalgia, fond memories, and knowledge of what our predecessors went though provides a grounding of our own life in Appanoose County.

Left: In the Leon Kauzlarich Coal Mining Museum, you will see a mine pony hand carved especially for this exhibit by Leon Kauzlarich, whose passion it was to see the coal mining museum come to fruition.
Right: Appanoose County has been home to several exceptional photographers.

Left: The museum has an large collection of quilts and textiles that drape over the railings of the mezzanine level.
Right: Chief Appanoose, the Indian chief that our county was named for.